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Maryland Approved Teacher Programs: Colleges and Universities

If you are looking for a traditional four-year certification program to teach in Maryland, look no further. Below is a handy list of programs and contacts for your reference.

Dr. Jacquelyn Sweeney
Email: jsweeney@bowiestate.edu
Phone: (301) 860-3139​

Bowie State University College of Education

Dr. Karen Santos Rogers
Email: karogers@coppin.edu​
Phone: (410) 951-3073

Coppin State School of Education

Sally Stephenson
Email: sstephenson@frostburg.edu
Phone: (301) 687-4448

Frostburg Department of Educational Professions

Annalisa Czeczulin
Email: annalisa.czeczulin@goucher.edu
Phone: (410) 337-3044

Goucher College Education

Kristy Calo
Email: calo@hood.edu
Phone: (301) 696-3463​

Hood College Education Programs

Mary Ellen Beaty-O’Ferrall
Email: mebo@jhu.edu
Phone: (410) 516-7959

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

Afra Hersi
Email: ahersi@loyola.edu
Phone: (410) 617-2546

Loyola School of Education

Adriane Pereira
Email: matdirector@mica.edu
Phone: (410) 225-6717

MICA Graduate Programs in Teaching

Robin Townsend
Email: rtownsend@mcdaniel.edu
Phone: (410) 836-4653

McDaniel College Education Programs

Stacey Brown-Hobbs
Email: brownhobbs@msmary.edu
Phone: (301) 447-5262

Mount St. Mary’s School of Education

Sheila Mahony
Email: smahony@ndm.edu
Phone: (410) 532-5350

Notre Dame School of Education

Harlan Parker
Email: harlan.parker@jhu.edu
Phone: (667) 208-6573

Peabody Music Education

Starlin Weaver
Email: sdweaver@salisbury.edu
Phone: (410) 548-5787

Salisbury Teacher Education

Beth Kobett
Email: bkobett@stevenson.edu
Phone: (443) 334-2545

Stevenson School of Education

Laila Richman
Email: lrichman@towson.edu
Phone: (410) 704-3892

Towson College of Education

Vickie Williams
Email: Vwilli5@umbc.edu
Phone: (410) 455-2327

UMBC School of Education

Monica Simonsen, PhD
Email: monicals@umd.edu
Phone: (301) 405-2927​

UMD Teacher Certification

Michael Nugent
Email: manugent@umes.edu
Phone: (410) 651-8362

UMES School of Education

Monica Simonsen
Email: Monica.simonsen@umgc.edu
Phone: (240) 684-2257

UMGC Master’s in Teaching

Michelle Johnson
Email: mjohnson2@washcoll.edu
Phone: (410) 810-7439

Washington College Education Department