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Maryland Licensed Teacher Incentives

For Maryland Licensed​ Teachers

Incentive Program for National Board Certification

Funding may be available to earn your National Board certificate. Visit the MSDE National Board Certification webpage to learn more.

Earning Limitation Exemption for Re-employment of Retired Teachers and Principals

Retired teachers and principals may be exempt from an earnings limitation when re-employed in a public school that:

  • Is receiving funds under Title I;
  • Provides an alternative education program for youths or students who have been expelled, suspended, or identified for suspension or expulsion from a public school or
  • Has More than 50% of students attending who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

For more information on the Retire Rehire Program, please contact the Division of Educator Effectiveness​ at 410-767-0385 or fill out the MSDE contact form.

Federal and State Tax Credits

You may be eligible for a tax credit. To learn more, visit the Comptroller of Maryland’s website and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service website.