

Local School System Information

Looking for additional information on becoming a teacher in a specific county or city? Below is a helpful list of all 24 local school systems with links to their HR sites and phone numbers. This resource is the perfect starting point for inquiring about a teaching career or specific programs within a county/city.

Charles County's Recruitment site
Phone: (301) 932-6610

Dorchester County's Recruitment site
Email: recruitment@dcps.org
Phone: (410) 228-4747, ext. 1063

Frederick County's Recruitment site
Phone: (301) 644-5100

Harford County's Recruitment site
Phone: (410) 838-7300

Howard County's Recruitment site
Email: Contact
Phone: (410) 313-6600

Kent County's Recruitment site
Phone: (410) 778-1595

Somerset County's Recruitment site
Phone: (410) 651-1616

Wicomico County's Recruitment site
Phone: (410) 667-4400

Worcester County's Recruitment site
Phone: (410) 632-5000