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The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is elevating the teaching profession.

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a landmark piece of legislation passed in 2021, which includes comprehensive changes to nearly every aspect of Maryland’s public schools and early childhood programs.

Increasing investment over 10 years to transform education in the State, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future prioritizes equity, delivering opportunity, and fulfilling the promise of a better future to every Maryland child regardless of family income, race, ethnicity, or ability. The Blueprint’s comprehensive policies are organized into five interrelated Pillars: Early Childhood Education, High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders, College and Career Readiness, More Resources to Ensure All Students Are Successful, and Governance and Accountability.

Recognizing that the most critical school-based factor to a student’s success is the educator in front of the classroom, the Blueprint focuses on the teaching profession as part of the High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders Pillar. To ensure a growing workforce and pipeline of diverse, capable, and effective teachers, the Blueprint policy increases the minimum teacher starting salary throughout the State, creates a teacher career ladder, raises the rigor of teacher preparation and induction programs, and supports the reorganization of the school day to embed and expand professional learning and peer collaboration.

The Impact of Teacher Diversity

Maryland’s current teacher workforce does not reflect the growing diversity of the State’s student population. In fact, many students of color may never have a teacher who looks like them, a disparity that can adversely impact student achievement. A growing body of research has shown that increased diversity amongst teachers and broader sets of school professionals benefits student achievement and outcomes. Black students having just one Black teacher by third grade are 13 percent more likely to enroll in college—and those having two black teachers are 32 percent more likely to enroll.

Increasing Salaries

Under the Blueprint, all Maryland teachers will earn a salary of at least $60,000 beginning in 2026. This means that new teachers in some Maryland counties will see an increase of almost $15,000 over current rates.

Career Ladders

The Blueprint builds a teacher career ladder that provides teachers with opportunities for advancement within their role as teachers and to earn additional compensation. To advance within the career ladder, teachers may demonstrate greater expertise and leadership by earning an advanced degree or a National Board Certification. This allows teachers to remain in the classroom where they are most effective and also to increase their impact and expand their reach by spending more of their working time leading their peers in professional development, identifying and tutoring the students who need the most support, and improving instruction for all students at their school. As teachers move up the career ladder, their salary can increase between $5,000 and $15,000 for each level. By earning a National Board Certification, teachers earn a salary increase of $10,000. Additionally, NBC teachers who teach at an identified low-performing school earn an additional salary increase of $7,000, for a total increase of $17,000. Depending on a teacher's position within the career ladder, a teacher can earn a six-figure salary.

Enhanced Teacher Preparation

In addition to the recognition and rewards of the salary increases and career ladder, the Blueprint increases support and training for aspiring teachers so they are better prepared for their role as teachers and can successfully lead all students to success. While in teacher preparation programs, teacher candidates will complete a full-year, student-teaching experience and demonstrate their hands-on readiness to teach students. Then, when they enter the profession as new teachers, they are supported by comprehensive induction programs which include mentoring by experienced, peer teachers.

Job-Embedded Professional Learning

The Blueprint recognizes that the most effective professional development is job-embedded and supports the reorganization of the school day to increase opportunities for teachers to collaborate and learn during the workday in ways that connect directly to a teacher’s primary responsibilities. Job-embedded professional learning includes activities such as peer mentoring, instructional coaching, model teaching, and participating in structured professional learning communities for co-planning, data analysis, lesson studies, and more.

Teach Maryland!

With the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, teaching has never been more rewarding! With higher salaries, career ladders, job-embedded professional development, scholarships, grants, and the support needed to succeed, there’s never been a better time to become a Maryland teacher. Join us in transforming Maryland education!